March 10, 2014

Remodeling in Boca Raton

A few years ago, I was perhaps one of 10 people crying on my movie theater row at the sight of Owen Wilson caressing Marley’s hair right before its death (Marley was his dog). It has really been one of the most moving and real life portrayals I have seen in my lifetime. In this movie (Marley & Me) which also features Jennifer Anniston, the couple moves to Boca Raton because of safety concerns and the fact that they had just had a baby.

When I saw those houses in Boca Raton I was extremely surprised at how neat and well-organized this community looked! Their house was great also, but the fact that 3 babies and a golden retriever lived in it was perhaps too much of a crowd for my taste. So I pictured myself owning a house like that on a similar town if not the same. I called this mental visualization: ‘’The Remodeling inBoca Raton project’’. I would first take over their house, remove all the kids toys, organize the living room a little better making it look perhaps more minimalistic and elegant and definitely adding a poolside bar (I’m in my twenties, it only seems logical I would make such a change).

Being my age, for some reason I have been feeling a home owning itch. That’s the only name I can give to this lingering anxiety to decorate, rearrange and to gaze and amaze both myself and others with what I think is the definition of good indoor decoration taste. Even if ‘’remodeling in Boca Raton’’ never comes to fruition, I can certainly picture myself living near the beach, with year round tropical temperatures and umbrella-toting concoctions for me and my guests (I love entertaining).

If you saw the movie, you probably remember how the young couple eventually moved to Philadelphia so that Owen (who was a columnist for the Miami Herald) could then chase his journalism calling for the Philadelphia Inquirer. I never got quite the same thrill from looking at that brick house and the cold winters in Pennsylvania. I guess I’m just a Boca Raton kind of girl.

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